Source code for bdgenomics.adam.ds

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.. currentmodule:: bdgenomics.adam.ds
.. autosummary::
   :toctree: _generate/


import logging

from py4j.java_gateway import get_java_class
from pyspark.rdd import RDD
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SQLContext

from bdgenomics.adam.stringency import LENIENT, _toJava

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GenomicDataset(object): """ Wraps an RDD, Dataframe, or Dataset of genomic data with helpful metadata. """
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python GenomicDataset from a JVM GenomicDataset. Should not be called from user code; should only be called from implementing classes. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM GenomicDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ self._jvmDataset = jvmDataset = sc
def cache(self): """ Caches underlying RDD in memory. :return: Returns a new, cached RDD. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.cache()) def persist(self, sl): """ Persists underlying RDD in memory or disk. :param sl new StorageLevel :return: Returns a new, persisted RDD. """ jsl =, sl.useMemory, sl.useOffHeap, sl.deserialized, sl.replication) return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.persist(jsl)) def unpersist(self): """ Unpersists underlying RDD from memory or disk. :return: Returns a new, unpersisted RDD. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.unpersist()) def sort(self): """ Sorts our genome aligned data by reference positions, with contigs ordered by index. :return: Returns a new, sorted genomic dataset, of the implementing class type. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.sort()) def sortLexicographically(self): """ Sorts our genome aligned data by reference positions, with contigs ordered lexicographically :return: Returns a new, sorted genomic dataset, of the implementing class type. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.sortLexicographically()) def filterByOverlappingRegion(self, query): """ Runs a filter that selects data in the underlying RDD that overlaps a single genomic region. :param query The region to query for. :return Returns a new GenomicDataset containing only data that overlaps the query region. """ # translate reference regions into jvm types javaRr = query._toJava( return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.filterByOverlappingRegion(javaRr)) def filterByOverlappingRegions(self, querys): """ Runs a filter that selects data in the underlying RDD that overlaps a several genomic regions. :param list<ReferenceRegion> querys: List of ReferenceRegion to filter on. :return Returns a new GenomicDataset containing only data that overlaps the query regions. """ # translate reference regions into iterator of jvm types javaRrs = iter([q._toJava( for q in querys]) return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.filterByOverlappingRegions(javaRrs)) def union(self, datasets): """ Unions together multiple genomic datasets. :param list datasets: The datasets to union into this dataset. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing the union of this and the other datasets. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.union(map(lambda x: x._jvmDataset, datasets))) def _wrapTransformation(self, tFn): # apply the lambda newDf = tFn(self.toDF()) # wrap it in a conversion function jvm = return def transform(self, tFn): """ Applies a function that transforms the underlying DataFrame into a new DataFrame using the Spark SQL API. :param function tFn: A function that transforms the underlying DataFrame as a DataFrame. :return: A new genomic dataset where the DataFrame of genomic data has been replaced, but the metadata (sequence dictionary, and etc) is copied without modification. """ # apply the lambda to the underlying DF dfFn = self._wrapTransformation(tFn) return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.transformDataFrame(dfFn)) def transmute(self, tFn, destClass, convFn=None): """ Applies a function that transmutes the underlying DataFrame into a new genomic dataset of a different type. :param function tFn: A function that transforms the underlying DataFrame as a DataFrame. :param str convFn: The name of the ADAM GenomicDatasetConversion class to use. :param class destClass: The destination class of this transmutation. :return: A new genomic dataset where the DataFrame of genomic data has been replaced, but the metadata (sequence dictionary, and etc) is copied without modification. """ # apply the lambda to the underlying DF dfFn = self._wrapTransformation(tFn) # if no conversion function is provided, try to infer if convFn is None: convFn = self._inferConversionFn(destClass) # create an instance of the conversion jvm = convFnInst = getattr(jvm, convFn)() return destClass(self._jvmDataset.transmuteDataFrame(dfFn, convFnInst), def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): raise NotImplementedError("This class does not implement conversion function inference.") def _destClassSuffix(self, destClass): if destClass is CoverageDataset: return "CoverageDatasetConverter" elif destClass is FeatureDataset: return "FeaturesDatasetConverter" elif destClass is FragmentDataset: return "FragmentDatasetConverter" elif destClass is AlignmentDataset: return "AlignmentDatasetConverter" elif destClass is GenotypeDataset: return "GenotypeDatasetConverter" elif destClass is VariantDataset: return "VariantDatasetConverter" elif destClass is ReadDataset: return "ReadDatasetConverter" elif destClass is SequenceDataset: return "SequenceDatasetConverter" elif destClass is Dataset: return "SliceDatasetConverter" else: raise ValueError("No conversion method known for %s." % destClass) def pipe(self, cmd, tFormatter, xFormatter, convFn, files=None, environment=None, flankSize=0): """ Pipes genomic data to a subprocess that runs in parallel using Spark. Files are substituted in to the command with a $x syntax. E.g., to invoke a command that uses the first file from the files Seq, use $0. To access the path to the directory where the files are copied, use $root. Pipes require the presence of an InFormatterCompanion and an OutFormatter as implicit values. The InFormatterCompanion should be a singleton whose apply method builds an InFormatter given a specific type of GenomicDataset. The implicit InFormatterCompanion yields an InFormatter which is used to format the input to the pipe, and the implicit OutFormatter is used to parse the output from the pipe. :param list cmd: The command to run. :param str tFormatter: The name of the ADAM in-formatter class to use. :param str xFormatter: The name of the ADAM out-formatter class to use. :param str convFn: The name of the ADAM GenomicDataset conversion class to use. :param list files: The files to copy locally onto all executors. Set to None (default) to omit. :param dict environment: The environment variables to set on the executor. Set to None (default) to omit. :param int flankSize: The number of bases of flanking sequence to have around each partition. Defaults to 0. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset where the input from the original genomic dataset has been piped through a command that runs locally on each executor. """ jvm = tFormatterClass = get_java_class(getattr(jvm, tFormatter)) xFormatterInst = getattr(jvm, xFormatter)() convFnInst = getattr(jvm, convFn)() if files is None: files = [] if environment is None: environment = {} return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.pipe(cmd, files, environment, flankSize, tFormatterClass, xFormatterInst, convFnInst)) def broadcastRegionJoin(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a broadcast inner join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset. In a broadcast join, the left genomic dataset (this genomic dataset) is collected to the driver, and broadcast to all the nodes in the cluster. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is an inner join, all values who do not overlap a value from the other genomic dataset are dropped. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.broadcastRegionJoin(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def rightOuterBroadcastRegionJoin(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a broadcast right outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset. In a broadcast join, the left genomic dataset (this genomic dataset) is collected to the driver, and broadcast to all the nodes in the cluster. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is a right outer join, all values in the left genomic dataset that do not overlap a value from the right genomic dataset are dropped. If a value from the right genomic dataset does not overlap any values in the left genomic dataset, it will be paired with a `None` in the product of the join. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space, and all keys from the right genomic dataset that did not overlap a key in the left genomic dataset. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.rightOuterBroadcastRegionJoin(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def broadcastRegionJoinAndGroupByRight(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a broadcast inner join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset. In a broadcast join, the left genomic dataset (this genomic dataset) is collected to the driver, and broadcast to all the nodes in the cluster. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is an inner join, all values who do not overlap a value from the other genomic dataset are dropped. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.broadcastRegionJoinAndGroupByRight(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def rightOuterBroadcastRegionJoinAndGroupByRight(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a broadcast right outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset. In a broadcast join, the left side of the join (broadcastTree) is broadcast to to all the nodes in the cluster. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is a right outer join, all values in the left genomic dataset that do not overlap a value from the right genomic dataset are dropped. If a value from the right genomic dataset does not overlap any values in the left genomic dataset, it will be paired with a `None` in the product of the join. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space, and all keys from the right genomic dataset that did not overlap a key in the left genomic dataset. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.rightOuterBroadcastRegionJoinAndGroupByRight(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def shuffleRegionJoin(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a sort-merge inner join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset. In a sort-merge join, both genomic datasets are co-partitioned and sorted. The partitions are then zipped, and we do a merge join on each partition. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is an inner join, all values who do not overlap a value from the other genomic dataset are dropped. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.shuffleRegionJoin(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def rightOuterShuffleRegionJoin(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a sort-merge right outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset. In a sort-merge join, both genomic datasets are co-partitioned and sorted. The partitions are then zipped, and we do a merge join on each partition. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is a right outer join, all values in the left genomic dataset that do not overlap a value from the right genomic dataset are dropped. If a value from the right genomic dataset does not overlap any values in the left genomic dataset, it will be paired with a `None` in the product of the join. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space, and all keys from the right genomic dataset that did not overlap a key in the left genomic dataset. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.rightOuterShuffleRegionJoin(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def leftOuterShuffleRegionJoin(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a sort-merge left outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset. In a sort-merge join, both genomic datasets are co-partitioned and sorted. The partitions are then zipped, and we do a merge join on each partition. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is a left outer join, all values in the right genomic dataset that do not overlap a value from the left genomic dataset are dropped. If a value from the left genomic dataset does not overlap any values in the right genomic dataset, it will be paired with a `None` in the product of the join. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space, and all keys from the left genomic dataset that did not overlap a key in the left genomic dataset. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.leftOuterShuffleRegionJoin(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def leftOuterShuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a sort-merge left outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset, followed by a groupBy on the left value. In a sort-merge join, both genomic datasets are co-partitioned and sorted. The partitions are then zipped, and we do a merge join on each partition. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is a left outer join, all values in the right genomic dataset that do not overlap a value from the left genomic dataset are dropped. If a value from the left genomic dataset does not overlap any values in the right genomic dataset, it will be paired with an empty Iterable in the product of the join. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space, and all keys from the left genomic dataset that did not overlap a key in the left genomic dataset. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.leftOuterShuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def fullOuterShuffleRegionJoin(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a sort-merge full outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset. In a sort-merge join, both genomic datasets are co-partitioned and sorted. The partitions are then zipped, and we do a merge join on each partition. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. Since this is a full outer join, if a value from either genomic dataset does not overlap any values in the other genomic dataset, it will be paired with a `None` in the product of the join. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space, and values that did not overlap will be paired with a `None`. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.fullOuterShuffleRegionJoin(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def rightOuterShuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a sort-merge right outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset, followed by a groupBy on the left value, if not null. In a sort-merge join, both genomic datasets are co-partitioned and sorted. The partitions are then zipped, and we do a merge join on each partition. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. In the same operation, we group all values by the left item in the genomic dataset. Since this is a right outer join, all values from the right genomic dataset who did not overlap a value from the left genomic dataset are placed into a length-1 Iterable with a `None` key. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space, grouped together by the value they overlapped in the left genomic dataset, and all values from the right genomic dataset that did not overlap an item in the left genomic dataset. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.rightOuterShuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def shuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(self, genomicDataset, flankSize=0): """ Performs a sort-merge inner join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset, followed by a groupBy on the left value. In a sort-merge join, both genomic datasets are co-partitioned and sorted. The partitions are then zipped, and we do a merge join on each partition. The key equality function used for this join is the reference region overlap function. In the same operation, we group all values by the left item in the genomic dataset. :param GenomicDataset genomicDataset: The right genomic dataset in the join. :param int flankSize: Sets a flankSize for the distance between elements to be joined. If set to 0, an overlap is required to join two elements. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing all pairs of keys that overlapped in the genomic coordinate space, grouped together by the value they overlapped in the left genomic dataset. """ return GenomicDataset(self._jvmDataset.shuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(genomicDataset._jvmDataset, flankSize), def toDF(self): """ Converts this GenomicDataset into a DataFrame. :return: Returns a dataframe representing this genomic dataset. """ return DataFrame(self._jvmDataset.toDF(), SQLContext(
[docs]class VCFSupportingGenomicDataset(GenomicDataset): """ Wraps a GenomicDataset with VCF metadata. """
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python GenomicDataset from a JVM GenomicDataset. Should not be called from user code; should only be called from implementing classes. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM GenomicDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def _javaType(self, lineType): """ Converts a python type into a VCFHeaderLineType enum. :param lineType: A Python type. """ jvm = if lineType == str: return jvm.htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeaderLineType.String elif lineType == int: return jvm.htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeaderLineType.Integer elif lineType == float: return jvm.htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeaderLineType.Float elif lineType == chr: return jvm.htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeaderLineType.Character elif lineType == bool: return jvm.htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeaderLineType.Flag else: raise ValueError('Invalid type {}. Supported types are str, int, float, chr, bool'.format(lineType)) def addFixedArrayFormatHeaderLine(self, name, count, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing an array format field, with fixed count. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param int count: The number of elements in the array. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this format field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addFixedArrayFormatHeaderLine(name, count, self._javaType(lineType), description)) def addScalarFormatHeaderLine(self, name, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing a scalar format field. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this format field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addScalarFormatHeaderLine(name, description, self._javaType(lineType))) def addGenotypeArrayFormatHeaderLine(self, name, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing an 'G' array format field. This adds a format field that is an array whose length is equal to the number of genotypes for the genotype we are annotating. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this format field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addGenotypeArrayFormatHeaderLine(name, description, self._javaType(lineType))) def addAlternateAlleleArrayFormatHeaderLine(self, name, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing an 'A' array format field. This adds a format field that is an array whose length is equal to the number of alternate alleles for the genotype we are annotating. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this format field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addAlternateAlleleArrayFormatHeaderLine(name, description, self._javaType(lineType))) def addAllAlleleArrayFormatHeaderLine(self, name, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing an 'R' array format field. This adds a format field that is an array whose length is equal to the total number of alleles (including the reference allele) for the genotype we are annotating. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this format field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addAllAlleleArrayFormatHeaderLine(name, description, self._javaType(lineType))) def addFixedArrayInfoHeaderLine(self, name, count, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing an array info field, with fixed count. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param int count: The number of elements in the array. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this info field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addFixedArrayInfoHeaderLine(name, count, self._javaType(lineType), description)) def addScalarInfoHeaderLine(self, name, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing a scalar info field. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this info field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addScalarInfoHeaderLine(name, description, self._javaType(lineType))) def addAlternateAlleleArrayInfoHeaderLine(self, name, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing an 'A' array info field. This adds a info field that is an array whose length is equal to the number of alternate alleles for the genotype we are annotating. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this info field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addAlternateAlleleArrayInfoHeaderLine(name, description, self._javaType(lineType))) def addAllAlleleArrayInfoHeaderLine(self, name, description, lineType): """ Adds a VCF header line describing an 'R' array info field. This adds a info field that is an array whose length is equal to the total number of alleles (including the reference allele) for the genotype we are annotating. :param str name: The identifier for the field. :param str description: A description of the data stored in this info field. :param lineType: A Python primitive type corresponding to the type of data stored in the array. Supported types include str, int, float, and chr. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addAllAlleleArrayInfoHeaderLine(name, description, self._javaType(lineType))) def addFilterHeaderLine(self, name, description): """ Adds a VCF header line describing a variant/genotype filter. :param str id: The identifier for the filter. :param str description: A description of the filter. :return: A new genomic dataset with the new header line added. """ return self._replaceRdd(self._jvmDataset.addFilterHeaderLine(name, description))
[docs]class AlignmentDataset(GenomicDataset): """ Wraps a GenomicDataset with alignment metadata and functions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python AlignmentDataset from a JVM AlignmentDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM AlignmentDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return AlignmentDataset(newRdd, def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass) def toFragments(self): """ Convert this set of reads into fragments. :return: Returns a FragmentDataset where all reads have been grouped together by the original sequence fragment they come from. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.FragmentDataset """ return FragmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.toFragments(), def toCoverage(self, collapse = True): """ Converts this set of reads into a corresponding CoverageDataset. :param bool collapse: Determines whether to merge adjacent coverage elements with the same score to a single coverage observation. :return: Returns a genomic dataset with observed coverage. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.CoverageDataset """ coverage = CoverageDataset(self._jvmDataset.toCoverage(), if (collapse): return coverage.collapse() else: return coverage def save(self, filePath, isSorted = False): """ Saves this genomic dataset to disk, with the type identified by the extension. :param str filePath: The path to save the file to. :param bool isSorted: Whether the file is sorted or not. """, isSorted) def saveAsSam(self, filePath, asType=None, isSorted=False, asSingleFile=False): """ Saves this genomic dataset to disk as a SAM/BAM/CRAM file. :param str filePath: The path to save the file to. :param str asType: The type of file to save. Valid choices are SAM, BAM, CRAM, and None. If None, the file type is inferred from the extension. :param bool isSorted: Whether the file is sorted or not. :param bool asSingleFile: Whether to save the file as a single merged file or as shards. """ if asType is None: fileType = else: fileType = self._jvmDataset.saveAsSam(filePath, fileType, asSingleFile, isSorted) def saveAsSamString(self): """ Converts a genomic dataset into the SAM spec string it represents. This method converts a genomic dataset of Alignments back to an RDD of SAMRecordWritables and a SAMFileHeader, and then maps this RDD into a string on the driver that represents this file in SAM. :return: A string on the driver representing this genomic dataset of reads in SAM format. :rtype: str """ return self._jvmDataset.saveAsSamString() def countKmers(self, kmerLength): """ Cuts reads into _k_-mers, and then counts the number of occurrences of each _k_-mer. :param int kmerLength: The value of _k_ to use for cutting _k_-mers. :return: Returns a DataFrame containing k-mer/count pairs. :rtype: DataFrame containing "kmer" string and "count" long. """ return DataFrame(self._jvmDataset.countKmersAsDataset(kmerLength).toDF(), SQLContext( def sortByReadName(self): """ Sorts our alignments by read name. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing sorted alignments. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.AlignmentDataset """ return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.sortByReadName(), def sortByReferencePosition(self): """ Sorts our alignments by reference position, with references ordered by name. Sorts alignments by the location where reads are aligned. Unaligned reads are put at the end and sorted by read name. References are ordered lexicographically by name. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing sorted alignments. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.AlignmentDataset """ return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.sortByReferencePosition(), def sortByReferencePositionAndIndex(self): """ Sorts our alignments by reference position, with references ordered by index. Sorts alignments by the location where reads are aligned. Unaligned reads are put at the end and sorted by read name. References are ordered by index that they are ordered in the sequence metadata. :return: Returns a new genomic dataset containing sorted alignments. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.AlignmentDataset """ return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.sortByReferencePositionAndIndex(), def markDuplicates(self): """ Marks reads as possible fragment duplicates. :return: A new genomic dataset where reads have the duplicate read flag set. Duplicate reads are NOT filtered out. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.AlignmentDataset """ return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.markDuplicates(), def recalibrateBaseQualities(self, knownSnps, validationStringency = LENIENT): """ Runs base quality score recalibration on a set of reads. Uses a table of known SNPs to mask true variation during the recalibration process. :param bdgenomics.adam.ds.VariantDataset knownSnps: A table of known SNPs to mask valid variants. :param bdgenomics.adam.stringency validationStringency: """ return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.recalibrateBaseQualities(knownSnps._jvmDataset, _toJava(validationStringency, def realignIndels(self, isSorted = False, maxIndelSize = 500, maxConsensusNumber = 30, lodThreshold = 5.0, maxTargetSize = 3000, maxReadsPerTarget = 20000, unclipReads = False): """ Realigns indels using a consensus-based heuristic from reads. :param bool isSorted: If the input data is sorted, setting this parameter to true avoids a second sort. :param int maxIndelSize: The size of the largest indel to use for realignment. :param int maxConsensusNumber: The maximum number of consensus sequences to realign against per target region. :param float lodThreshold: Log-odds threshold to use when realigning; realignments are only finalized if the log-odds threshold is exceeded. :param int maxTargetSize: The maximum width of a single target region for realignment. :param int maxReadsPerTarget: Maximum number of reads per target. :param boolean unclipReads: If true, unclips reads prior to realignment. Else, omits clipped bases during realignment. :return: Returns an genomic dataset of mapped reads which have been realigned. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.AlignmentDataset """ consensusModel = return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.realignIndels(consensusModel, isSorted, maxIndelSize, maxConsensusNumber, lodThreshold, maxTargetSize, maxReadsPerTarget, unclipReads), def realignIndelsFromKnownIndels(self, knownIndels, isSorted = False, maxIndelSize = 500, maxConsensusNumber = 30, lodThreshold = 5.0, maxTargetSize = 3000, maxReadsPerTarget = 20000, unclipReads = False): """ Realigns indels using a consensus-based heuristic from prior called INDELs. :param bdgenomics.adam.ds.VariantDataset knownIndels: A genomic dataset of previously called INDEL variants. :param bool isSorted: If the input data is sorted, setting this parameter to true avoids a second sort. :param int maxIndelSize: The size of the largest indel to use for realignment. :param int maxConsensusNumber: The maximum number of consensus sequences to realign against per target region. :param float lodThreshold: Log-odds threshold to use when realigning; realignments are only finalized if the log-odds threshold is exceeded. :param int maxTargetSize: The maximum width of a single target region for realignment. :param int maxReadsPerTarget: Maximum number of reads per target. :param boolean unclipReads: If true, unclips reads prior to realignment. Else, omits clipped bases during realignment. :return: Returns a genomic dataset of mapped reads which have been realigned. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.AlignmentDataset """ consensusModel =, 0) return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.realignIndels(consensusModel, isSorted, maxIndelSize, maxConsensusNumber, lodThreshold, maxTargetSize, maxReadsPerTarget, unclipReads), def flagStat(self): """ Runs a quality control pass akin to the Samtools FlagStat tool. :return: Returns a tuple of (failedQualityMetrics, passedQualityMetrics) """ return self._jvmDataset.flagStat() def saveAsPairedFastq(self, fileName1, fileName2, persistLevel, outputOriginalBaseQualities = False, validationStringency = LENIENT): """ Saves these Alignments to two FASTQ files. The files are one for the first mate in each pair, and the other for the second mate in the pair. :param str fileName1: Path at which to save a FASTQ file containing the first mate of each pair. :param str fileName2: Path at which to save a FASTQ file containing the second mate of each pair. :param bool outputOriginalBaseQualities: If true, writes out reads with the base qualities from the original qualities (SAM "OQ") field. If false, writes out reads with the base qualities from the qual field. Default is false. :param bdgenomics.adam.stringency validationStringency: If strict, throw an exception if any read in this genomic dataset is not accompanied by its mate. :param pyspark.storagelevel.StorageLevel persistLevel: The persistance level to cache reads at between passes. """ self._jvmDataset.saveAsPairedFastq(fileName1, fileName2, outputOriginalBaseQualities, _toJava(validationStringency,, persistLevel) def saveAsFastq(self, fileName, validationStringency = LENIENT, sort = False, outputOriginalBaseQualities = False): """ Saves reads in FASTQ format. :param str fileName: Path to save files at. :param bdgenomics.adam.stringency validationStringency: If strict, throw an exception if any read in this genomic dataset is not accompanied by its mate. :param bool sort: Whether to sort the FASTQ files by read name or not. Defaults to false. Sorting the output will recover pair order, if desired. :param bool outputOriginalBaseQualities: If true, writes out reads with the base qualities from the original qualities (SAM "OQ") field. If false, writes out reads with the base qualities from the qual field. Default is false. """ self._jvmDataset.saveAsFastq(fileName, outputOriginalBaseQualities, sort, _toJava(validationStringency, def reassembleReadPairs(self, secondPairRdd, validationStringency = LENIENT): """ Reassembles read pairs from two sets of unpaired reads. The assumption is that the two sets were _originally_ paired together. The genomic dataset that this is called on should be the genomic dataset with the first read from the pair. :param pyspark.rdd.RDD secondPairRdd: The rdd containing the second read from the pairs. :param bdgenomics.adam.stringency validationStringency: How stringently to validate the reads. :return: Returns a genomic dataset with the pair information recomputed. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.AlignmentDataset """ return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.reassembleReadPairs(rdd._jrdd, _toJava(validationStringency,,
[docs]class CoverageDataset(GenomicDataset): """ Wraps a GenomicDataset with Coverage metadata and functions. """ def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return CoverageDataset(newRdd,
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python CoverageDataset from a JVM CoverageDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM CoverageDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def save(self, filePath, asSingleFile = False, disableFastConcat = False): """ Saves coverage as feature file. :param str filePath: The location to write the output. :param bool asSingleFile: If true, merges the sharded output into a single file. """, asSingleFile, disableFastConcat) def collapse(self): """ Merges adjacent ReferenceRegions with the same coverage value. This reduces the loss of coverage information while reducing the number of records in the genomic dataset. For example, adjacent records Coverage("chr1", 1, 10, 3.0) and Coverage("chr1", 10, 20, 3.0) would be merged into one record Coverage("chr1", 1, 20, 3.0). :return: A genomic dataset with merged tuples of adjacent sites with same coverage. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.CoverageDataset """ return CoverageDataset(self._jvmDataset.collapse(), def toFeatures(self): """ Converts CoverageDataset to FeatureDataset. :return: Returns a FeatureDataset from CoverageDataset. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.FeatureDataset """ return FeatureDataset(self._jvmDataset.toFeatures(), def coverage(self, bpPerBin = 1): """ Gets coverage overlapping specified ReferenceRegion. For large ReferenceRegions, base pairs per bin (bpPerBin) can be specified to bin together ReferenceRegions of equal size. The coverage of each bin is the coverage of the first base pair in that bin. :param int bpPerBin: Number of bases to combine to one bin. :return: Returns a sparsified CoverageDataset. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.CoverageDataset """ return CoverageDataset(self._jvmDataset.coverage(bpPerBin), def aggregatedCoverage(self, bpPerBin = 1): """ Gets coverage overlapping specified ReferenceRegion. For large ReferenceRegions, base pairs per bin (bpPerBin) can be specified to bin together ReferenceRegions of equal size. The coverage of each bin is the average coverage of the bases in that bin. :param int bpPerBin: Number of bases to combine to one bin. :return: Returns a sparsified CoverageDataset. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.CoverageDataset """ return CoverageDataset(self._jvmDataset.aggregatedCoverage(bpPerBin), def flatten(self): """ Gets flattened genomic dataset of coverage, with coverage mapped to each base pair. The opposite operation of collapse. :return: New CoverageDataset of flattened coverage. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.CoverageDataset """ return CoverageDataset(self._jvmDataset.flatten(), def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass)
[docs]class FeatureDataset(GenomicDataset): """ Wraps a GenomicDataset with Feature metadata and functions. """ def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return FeatureDataset(newRdd,
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python FeatureDataset from a JVM FeatureDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM FeatureDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def save(self, filePath, asSingleFile = False, disableFastConcat = False): """ Saves coverage, autodetecting the file type from the extension. Writes files ending in .bed as BED6/12, .gff3 as GFF3, .gtf/.gff as GTF/GFF2, .narrow[pP]eak as NarrowPeak, and .interval_list as IntervalList. If none of these match, we fall back to Parquet. These files are written as sharded text files, which can be merged by passing asSingleFile = True. :param str filePath: The location to write the output. :param bool asSingleFile: If true, merges the sharded output into a single file. :param bool disableFastConcat: If asSingleFile is true, disables the use of the fast concatenation engine for saving to HDFS. """, asSingleFile, disableFastConcat) def toCoverage(self): """ Converts the FeatureDataset to a CoverageDataset. :return: Returns a new CoverageDataset. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.CoverageDataset. """ return CoverageDataset(self._jvmDataset.toCoverage(), def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass)
[docs]class FragmentDataset(GenomicDataset): """ Wraps a GenomicDataset with Fragment metadata and functions. """ def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return FragmentDataset(newRdd,
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python FragmentDataset from a JVM FragmentDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM FragmentDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def toAlignments(self): """ Splits up the reads in a Fragment back into alignments, and creates a new genomic dataset. :return: Returns this genomic dataset converted to alignments. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.AlignmentDataset """ return AlignmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.toAlignments(), def markDuplicates(self): """ Marks reads as possible fragment duplicates. :return: A new genomic dataset where reads have the duplicate read flag set. Duplicate reads are NOT filtered out. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.FragmentDataset """ return FragmentDataset(self._jvmDataset.markDuplicates(), def save(self, filePath): """ Saves fragments to Parquet. :param str filePath: Path to save fragments to. """ def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass)
[docs]class GenotypeDataset(VCFSupportingGenomicDataset): """ Wraps a GenomicDataset with Genotype metadata and functions. """ def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return GenotypeDataset(newRdd,
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python GenotypeDataset from a JVM GenotypeDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM GenotypeDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def saveAsParquet(self, filePath): """ Saves this genomic dataset of genotypes to disk as Parquet. :param str filePath: Path to save file to. """ self._jvmDataset.saveAsParquet(filePath) def toVariantContexts(self): """ :return: These genotypes, converted to variant contexts. """ vcs = self._jvmDataset.toVariantContexts() return VariantContextDataset(vcs, def toVariants(self, dedupe=False): """ Extracts the variants contained in this genomic dataset of genotypes. Does not perform any filtering looking at whether the variant was called or not. By default, does not deduplicate variants. :param bool dedupe: If true, drops variants described in more than one genotype record. :return: Returns the variants described by this GenotypeDataset. """ return VariantDataset(self._jvmDataset.toVariants(dedupe), def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass)
[docs]class SliceDataset(GenomicDataset): def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return SliceDataset(newRdd,
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python SliceDataset from a JVM SliceDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM SliceDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def save(self, fileName): """ Save slices as Parquet or FASTA. If filename ends in .fa or .fasta, saves as FASTA. If not, saves fragments to Parquet. Defaults to 60 character line length, if saving to FASTA. :param str fileName: Path to save to. """ def flankAdjacentFragments(self, flankLength): """ For all adjacent records in the genomic dataset, we extend the records so that the adjacent records now overlap by _n_ bases, where _n_ is the flank length. :param int flankLength: The length to extend adjacent records by. :return: Returns the genomic dataset, with all adjacent slices extended with flanking sequence. :rtype: bdgenomics.adam.ds.SliceDataset """ return SliceDataset(self._jvmDataset.flankAdjacentFragments(flankLength), def countKmers(self, kmerLength): """ Counts the k-mers contained in a slice. :param int kmerLength: The value of _k_ to use for cutting _k_-mers. :return: Returns an RDD containing k-mer/count pairs. :rtype: pyspark.rdd.RDD[str,long] """ return RDD(self._jvmDataset.countKmers(kmerLength), def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass)
[docs]class VariantDataset(VCFSupportingGenomicDataset): """ Wraps a GenomicDataset with Variant metadata and functions. """ def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return VariantDataset(newRdd,
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python VariantDataset from a JVM VariantDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM VariantDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def toVariantContexts(self): """ :return: These variants, converted to variant contexts. """ vcs = self._jvmDataset.toVariantContexts() return VariantContextDataset(vcs, def saveAsParquet(self, filePath): """ Saves this genomic dataset of variants to disk as Parquet. :param str filePath: Path to save file to. """ self._jvmDataset.saveAsParquet(filePath) def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass)
[docs]class VariantContextDataset(VCFSupportingGenomicDataset): """ Wraps a GenomicDataset with Variant Context metadata and functions. """ def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return VariantContextDataset(newRdd,
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python VariantContextDataset from a JVM VariantContextDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM VariantContextDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ VCFSupportingGenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
def saveAsVcf(self, filePath, asSingleFile=True, deferMerging=False, stringency=LENIENT, disableFastConcat=False): """ Saves this genomic dataset of variants to disk as VCF. :param str filePath: Path to save file to. :param bool asSingleFile: If true, saves the output as a single file by merging the sharded output after saving. :param bool deferMerging: If true, saves the output as prepped for merging into a single file, but does not merge. :param bdgenomics.adam.stringency stringency: The stringency to use when writing the VCF. :param bool disableFastConcat: If asSingleFile is true, disables the use of the fast concatenation engine for saving to HDFS. """ self._jvmDataset.saveAsVcf(filePath, asSingleFile, deferMerging, disableFastConcat, _toJava(stringency,
class ReadDataset(GenomicDataset): def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return ReadRDD(newRdd, def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python ReadDataset from a JVM ReadDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM ReadDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc) def save(self, fileName): """ Save reads as Parquet or FASTQ. If filename ends in .fq or .fastq, saves as FASTQ. If not, saves reads to Parquet. :param str fileName: Path to save to. """ def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass)
[docs]class SequenceDataset(GenomicDataset): def _replaceRdd(self, newRdd): return SequenceDataset(newRdd,
[docs] def __init__(self, jvmDataset, sc): """ Constructs a Python SequenceDataset from a JVM SequenceDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext. :param jvmDataset: Py4j handle to the underlying JVM SequenceDataset. :param pyspark.context.SparkContext sc: Active Spark Context. """ GenomicDataset.__init__(self, jvmDataset, sc)
# slice(maximumLength) # slice(region) # slice(regions) def save(self, fileName): """ Save slices as Parquet or FASTA. If filename ends in .fa or .fasta, saves as Fasta. If not, saves sequences to Parquet. Defaults to 60 character line length, if saving to FASTA. :param str fileName: Path to save to. """ def _inferConversionFn(self, destClass): return "" % self._destClassSuffix(destClass)