
class bdgenomics.adam.ds.SliceDataset(jvmDataset, sc)[source]
__init__(jvmDataset, sc)[source]

Constructs a Python SliceDataset from a JVM SliceDataset. Should not be called from user code; instead, go through bdgenomics.adamContext.ADAMContext.

  • jvmDataset – Py4j handle to the underlying JVM SliceDataset.
  • sc (pyspark.context.SparkContext) – Active Spark Context.


__init__(jvmDataset, sc) Constructs a Python SliceDataset from a JVM SliceDataset.
broadcastRegionJoin(genomicDataset[, flankSize]) Performs a broadcast inner join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset.
broadcastRegionJoinAndGroupByRight(…[, …]) Performs a broadcast inner join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset.
cache() Caches underlying RDD in memory.
countKmers(kmerLength) Counts the k-mers contained in a slice.
filterByOverlappingRegion(query) Runs a filter that selects data in the underlying RDD that overlaps a single genomic region.
filterByOverlappingRegions(querys) Runs a filter that selects data in the underlying RDD that overlaps a several genomic regions.
flankAdjacentFragments(flankLength) For all adjacent records in the genomic dataset, we extend the records so that the adjacent records now overlap by _n_ bases, where _n_ is the flank length.
fullOuterShuffleRegionJoin(genomicDataset[, …]) Performs a sort-merge full outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset.
leftOuterShuffleRegionJoin(genomicDataset[, …]) Performs a sort-merge left outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset.
leftOuterShuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(…) Performs a sort-merge left outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset, followed by a groupBy on the left value.
persist(sl) Persists underlying RDD in memory or disk.
pipe(cmd, tFormatter, xFormatter, convFn[, …]) Pipes genomic data to a subprocess that runs in parallel using Spark.
rightOuterBroadcastRegionJoin(genomicDataset) Performs a broadcast right outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset.
rightOuterBroadcastRegionJoinAndGroupByRight(…) Performs a broadcast right outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset.
rightOuterShuffleRegionJoin(genomicDataset) Performs a sort-merge right outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset.
rightOuterShuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(…) Performs a sort-merge right outer join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset, followed by a groupBy on the left value, if not null.
save(fileName) Save slices as Parquet or FASTA.
shuffleRegionJoin(genomicDataset[, flankSize]) Performs a sort-merge inner join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset.
shuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft(genomicDataset) Performs a sort-merge inner join between this genomic dataset and another genomic dataset, followed by a groupBy on the left value.
sort() Sorts our genome aligned data by reference positions, with contigs ordered by index.
sortLexicographically() Sorts our genome aligned data by reference positions, with contigs ordered lexicographically
toDF() Converts this GenomicDataset into a DataFrame.
transform(tFn) Applies a function that transforms the underlying DataFrame into a new DataFrame using the Spark SQL API.
transmute(tFn, destClass[, convFn]) Applies a function that transmutes the underlying DataFrame into a new genomic dataset of a different type.
union(datasets) Unions together multiple genomic datasets.
unpersist() Unpersists underlying RDD from memory or disk.